Departure Services in Toronto


Your Adventure Awaits In Toronto

Departure services are often overlooked. Preparing for Toronto before departure can make all the difference in terms of your time, your stress and ultimately, costs. Our Toronto guides and checklists are designed to help organize your efforts to ensure you are prepared for what is to come…well before leaving the point of departure! There are obvious things to think about like redirecting your mail or gathering immunization records but our checklist focuses on much, much more. And, it is based on the real life experiences of clients who have come before you!

Why is this important? Preparing before your departure allows all the dominoes to be arranged in the right order, so they tip harmoniously when you arrive.

It means you know what to expect in some of the following areas:

  • Preparing for the move of your household goods
  • How to build the right documentation to prepare for home finding in the Greater Toronto Area
  • Understanding cost of living in Toronto and all the elements related to the monthly expenses you can anticipate
  • Requirements for the different educators
  • How to plan and book off your time so the important things can be accomplished quickly and efficiently


Ultimately, it helps set expectations so you can think past departure and start to imagine your new life in Toronto. It also means that when you arrive, you will be able to place the focus on the best parts – the settling-in.

We believe pre-departure also means getting excited about everything Toronto has to offer for you and the people you love. Trust us when we say, there is lots to love. We want to remove the clutter so you can anticipate what your new life will be like in one of the greatest cities in the world!

Did you know? Household moves typically include about 6,500 pounds worth of stuff.